Climate Impact Capital (CIC) invests in technology companies and supports our partners and clients that target today’s relevant issues in energy and climate change.
Our founding team came together under the leadership of Alex Rozenfeld in 2016, who had a vision of bringing change to venture capital and creating the “next generation of impact and energy investors.” Since then we have grown and each of us has a different story. We come from different cultural and educational backgrounds, with diverse life experiences from over a dozen countries. Most of us have been industry experts for over 20 years. Yet we all have come to realize that we must move forward beyond the traditional ways of investing and growing companies and find ways to accelerate the new waves of clean energy and climate resiliency technologies.
Having focused for the last 20 years (or more for some of us) on internal corporate innovation to impact one of the world’s largest challenges – sustainable and plentiful energy access, Climate Impact Capital is now bringing our collective knowledge to rest of the world. Our knowledge about external innovation, especially with what are perceived as highly risky start-ups, has shown how many of the fundamentals of corporate culture, decision-making, and public company structure make climate and resiliency related investing challenging.
If we all changed our collective choices on lifestyle tomorrow, we could conceivably begin making a global difference. It is unfortunately not that easy to make that happen. We need to have viable choices for both developed and developing economies, and the choices presented to us come from global corporations and the entrepreneurs who bring us the best and latest in innovation. Climate Impact Capital works closely with the largest global energy corporations and investors to help them provide products and services that move the needle for themselves and their stakeholders.
The next 10 years may be our last chance to make any impacts on the system, and given the time needed to do so, there is no time to waste.
Meet Our Team
Our team brings strong expertise and networks both regionally and nationally across the energy sector.
Meet Our Partners
CIC partners with incubator, accelerators, national labs and others to make targeted impact investments.