Society of Petroleum Engineers Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Format: Video

So what makes a great corporate entrepreneur? There are 3 elements that CIC discussed as part of our SPE conference keynote. The third one will definitely surprise you… VISION – to see the future of the industry RISK – to commit significant resources over an extended period of time and tolerate and learn from failures Kaizen – The Japanese word meaning “change for better,” and in its ultimate form means a seamlessly integrated organization that can scale an idea quickly, integrate it internally, connect external technologies, and help it grow into a major new business View the 14-minute keynote or … Continue reading "Society of Petroleum Engineers Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

New Year 2020 Predictions

Format: Newsletter

Combating and adapting to climate change is a lofty goal and though the global track record on positive impact is all over the map (literally), we see collaboration as the key to meaningful progress. Recognizing that pro-active organizations will survive and thrive, many of you are already on your journey and some of you will embark in this new decade. In either case, we hope to join you and to collaborate with you in 2020!